
Enought About Screen Printing....Our Favorite TV Characters

Dec 07 2016

Throughout its history, television has provided us with several iconic characters that are nearly inseparable from the culture at large. Everybody has their own favorites, but there's no denying that certain TV personalities have become cemented into the very fabric of the medium (for better and most certainly for worse). With that in mind, here a few iconic characters, as well as a few t-shirt ideas you can use should you find yourself wanting to proclaim your love (or abhorrence) of them to the world.

b2ap3_thumbnail_George.jpg1. George Costanza: One could argue that any of the main characters from Seinfeld could be included in this list, but I've chosen Mr. Constanza because 1. He was based on Larry David (who I love), and 2. so many characters since this program went off the air are derivative of the “George” archetype. Constantly unemployed except when he stumbles into a position due to sheer dumb luck, terrible with women, pessimistic, and a near pathological liar, you can find a George in almost every comedy since the mid 90s. Quotes would be a popular accompaniment to a photo of the man, as the mine for memorable sayings in the Seinfeld universe almost never runs dry. One of George's many aliases would be a great fit as well (Art Vandelay, anybody?).


b2ap3_thumbnail_Arnold.jpg2. Arnold Jackson: Those of you born within the last 30 years probably became aware of the phrase “What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?” long before you were aware of the existence of the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, and thus have been dissuaded from ever watching it due to the annoyance factor of said phrase. Personally, this show was one of my favorites during childhood summers when mornings were nothing but an all-out TV fest, and I still find myself humming along with the theme song from time to time. Arnold's catchphrase seems an obvious choice for shirt placement, but a simple image of the little guy or a family portrait with all the Drummonds would look great as well.


b2ap3_thumbnail_Sam-Malone.jpg3. Sam Malone: Cheers is another ensemble sitcom in which several of the cast members could be placed on a shirt without any confusion as to what show you were referencing, but I prefer Sam Malone based solely on my love of Ted Danson. Cheers is far from my favorite show he's worked on (that would be Bored To Death), but this fellow's iconic mug (no pun intended) combined with the pedigree of the sitcom and instantly recognizable logo would be perfect for a Cheers-themed tee. Former Red Sox catcher-turned-bartender not enough to stand alone on your custom tee? We'd be happy to pop the whole gang onto some apparel for you.


b2ap3_thumbnail_Brent.jpg4. David Brent: All snobbery about British television aside, the original (U.K.) Office may just be the best show to ever grace a television screen, and David Brent is THE model for inept management in every program since this show's inception (whether other showrunners will admit it or not). If you're looking to show your affection for the Brentmeister General via screen printed gear your options for both facial expressions and/or quotes are nearly endless, though you may want to be careful where you don it depending on what you choose.

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