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In the heart of the Midwest, Kansas City has emerged as a hub for creativity and craftsmanship. One form of artistry that has captured the city's attention is custom embroidery. Through intricate stitching and attention to detail, custom embroidery adds a touch of elegance and personalization to various garments and accessories. This article delves into the world of custom embroidery in Kansas City, its growing popularity, the significance it holds for residents, and the local businesses that uphold this time-honored tradition.
In the bustling metropolis of Kansas City, embracing individuality and expressing personal style is not only encouraged but celebrated. Customized screen printing on t-shirts has become a popular avenue for residents to showcase their creativity, share their passions, and support local businesses. This article explores the art of customized screen printing t-shirts in Kansas City, its significance in the community, and how it has become a symbol of self-expression and unity.
Screen Printing Baseball Jerseys for Kansas City: Uniting Style and Spirit on the Diamond
Jul 27 2023In the bustling heartland of America, Kansas City is not only known for its vibrant culture and rich history but also for its love of baseball. As the city cherishes its beloved sports teams, screen printing baseball jerseys has become a popular way to showcase local pride and team spirit. This article delves into the art of screen printing baseball jerseys, its significance in Kansas City, and how it brings the community together on the diamond.
- The Art of Screen Printing Baseball Jerseys
Screen printing is a versatile and cost-effective method used to transfer designs onto various fabrics, including baseball jerseys. The process involves creating a stencil (or "screen") for each color in the design and then using a special ink to transfer the image onto the fabric. This technique ensures vibrant and long-lasting prints, making it a preferred choice for baseball teams in Kansas City.
The following is a transcription of a recent interview between a Rival Screen Printing Staff Member and a T-shirt.
Rival Staff: Hello T-shirt, I'd like to start off the interview by wishing you a happy birthday! You don't look a day over...well, aren't you brand new?
T-Shirt: Yes, I'm freshly woven, but my family has been around since 1913.
Rival Staff: So you're turning 100 years old? Congratulations! May I ask where your family comes from?
T-Shirt: Of course! My family has a proud history. Our name derives from the letter T, which is the shape we take once we're woven. We were originally all crewnecks made from cotton and issued by the U.S. Navy as undershirts.
Rival Staff: Fascinating. How did your family make the transition from a simple military uniform garment to a mainstream fashion icon?
T-Shirt: Our rise to fame came rather quickly. Soldiers began to wear us as outerwear when they returned to their hometowns. We offered a new, rugged look that caught a lot of attention. However, it was Marlon Brando and James Dean that really started the frenzy. Once they squeezed their bulging biceps into our sleeves, our family could hardly keep up with demand.
Rival Staff: And the demand just keeps growing, doesn't it? How are T-shirts today different from those of the past?
T-Shirt: Nowadays we live in every corner of the world. We come in many different fabrics, colors, and designs. As a family, we're highly customizable. Sometimes I don't even recognize my own kin. I once met a relative made by Adidas that wicked away moisture and had mesh side-panels.
Rival Staff: Your family has truly changed fashion. What vision do you have for the future?
T-Shirt: My family will continue to offer a comfort and versatility to all. We are constantly adapting to changing fashion trends and technological advancements.
Rival Staff: Lovely, so are you ready to be printed with a unique Rival Screen Printing design and begin your life in the outside world?
T-Shirt: A T-shirt is always ready for anything.
It can be difficult to decide what to wear in the morning. Some days it may be hard to pick between two shirts, so perhaps you wear both (ideal for cold days).
However, Sri Lankan native Sanath Bandara seems to be very indecisive. In 2011 he broke the Guinness World Record for number of t-shirts worn at once with an impressive 257 tees on his shoulders!
That's 102 more t-shirts than the guy in this video is wearing!!
Congratulations Sanath! Rival Screen Printing salutes you!
See this record and more at: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/records-3000/most-t-shirts-worn-at-once/
Think a shirt's uses end with putting it on or using an old one as a rag? Think again! Below are some unconventional ways to extend the life and usefulness of your t-shirts.
- Christmas coming up but you've lost all your ornaments in a move? No problem! Grab yourself a couple XL's and drape them over the family tree.
- Use as a towel if you've fallen behind on the laundry (tip: it's best to use a clean shirt if it comes down to this).
- Place over windows to block out the sun. You'll be sleeping sound beneath a veil of 100% cotton.
- Short on cash but heading somewhere the requires a gift? How about getting something small and wrapping it in a gently used t-shirt? Two gifts in one!
- Capture the flag? How about flying an old tee up the pole for a twist on an old classic.
- Baseball cap not cutting it in terms of blocking your face from harmful UV rays? Simply dunk a shirt in some water, wring out, place directly onto your head, cover with your ballcap and keep the summer good times rolling.
- Use as material to get your campfire started if no newspaper or other flammable detritus is available.
Here at Rival we screen print a wide range of t-shirt sizes, from XS all the way to XXL, but even we would have trouble getting a design onto this. Behold, the world's largest t-shirt, unveiled at the 40th annual CMA Music Festival in Nashville, Tennessee. This shirt was later recycled to make 12,000 new shirts which were donated to Nashville school music programs.
Looks like this shirt is far too large to be fired out of the world's largest t-shirt cannon, pictured below.
“Big Bella”, the name given to this monstrosity, was unveiled by the Philadelphia 76ers in 2012. It weighs 600 pounds and can fire an astounding 100 shirts per minute.
Aside from your period pieces and standard costume dramas, wardrobe is an oft overlooked aspect of many films. With a few exceptions, everybody has to wear clothes, right? We here at Rival Screen Printing, in addition to being fans of high quality t-shirts, also like to identify ourselves as film buffs. That said, we thought we would bring you a (admittedly less than all inclusive and in no particular order) list of five of the most recognizable t-shirts in film.
5. Napoleon Dynamite's “Vote for Pedro”
If you're like me, if you never heard another person quote this movie again it might be too soon. Regardless, there's no denying that if you had to remember one thing about this movie (other than the aforementioned, over-quoted dialogue), it's probably this shirt.
4. Stile's “What are you looking at, Dicknose?”
If you haven't seen Teen Wolf, there's a pretty good chance that your childhood did not reach it's optimal levels of merriment. Not only does it star America's most beloved 80's sensation Michael J. Fox, but it gave us Stiles and his oh so classic shirt selection (the most iconic of which is displayed above). For those unfortunate souls who haven't seen this film, you may also recognize it as worn by Mac in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And if you haven't seen It's Always Sunny, I'm afraid I just can't help you. (Side Note: Just in case nobody has warned you yet, DO NOT watch Teen Wolf Too. Sure it stars a teenage Jason Bateman, but other than that it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.)
3.Wayne Campbell, the classic black t-shirt.
Ah, Wayne's World. Not only is this movie one of the cornerstones of my youth, but it is indisputably the single greatest Saturday Night Live movie spinoff of all time. We all know with Wayne as always is Garth, but Wayne certainly could not be truly himself without his standard black tee. A timeless classic, whether you're cruising in the Mirthmobile or preventing the love of your life from marrying Christopher Walken.
2. John Belushi's “College” from Animal House.
Yeah yeah, it's technically a sweater. Sleeves or not though, this shirt is certainly as iconic as they come, and you'd have a difficult time on any college campus finding yourself more than an empty bottle of Jack's throw away from somebody wearing this tee. Besides, when it comes down to making mischief or getting down to business, you know the sleeves on this baby are coming up. As the old (or maybe newly minted as of this writing) saying goes, “What is a sweater, really, but an overgrown t-shirt?”
1. “Don't Hassle Me I'm Local”
What About Bob is far from the most memorable Bill Murray role (and really isn't that great of a movie at all, if you ask me), but since I've been looking for an excuse to pop the man onto this list, here you go. Despite its obvious grammatical flaws, this shirt is a perfect way to let people know who's in charge and that they had better not mess with your way of life (particularly if said way involves proper comma placement). If you should happen upon a person wearing this t-shirt, please direct them to Richard Dreyfus's house immediately.
Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and wondered whether or not there was life on other planets, and if so, what sort of custom, Rival Screen printed apparel residents of that planet would wear? I would assume not, but we here figured it would be a fun way to show you all the different ways Rival Screen Printing can be designed to suit your needs. So without further ado, may we present the Solar System of Rival Apparel.
Mercury: As most of you should probably know by now, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Given that position, temperatures on the side of this planet facing the sun can reach as high as 800 degrees Fahrenheit. A Rival screen printer would be foolish not to suggest a custom printed tank for such an atmosphere, perhaps with a graphic reading “The Sun Is My Right Hand Man” or some other sort of goofy slogan. We all know inhabitants of such a hostile atmosphere could use a joke every now and again. (Side note: Mercury is also the smallest planet in our solar system, so perhaps a custom onesie would not be out of the question either.)
Venus: Even though Venus is the second planet from the Sun, temperatures here are actually hotter than on Mercury due to a thick, heat trapping atmosphere. As a result, air temperature on Venus reaches around 863 degrees Fahrenheit across the entire span of the planet, making it the Greenhouse of the Milky Way. Come to think of it, that doesn't sound like a bad phrase to print onto a pair of shorts, seeing as residents of this planet probably wouldn't be comfortable wearing much else.
Earth: Unless some other type of intergalactic life with which I am not familiar has access to what we know as the internet, I would assume most of you reading this are residents of the third planet from the sun, Earth. Depending on your location, temperatures on Earth have an extremely wide range. In fact, conditions on this planet can range from a bitter -129 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to a sweltering 159 degrees Fahrenheit. As our customers are already aware, there is no end to the amount of apparel Rival can provide for those looking to step out on our home planet, from heavy duty hooded sweatshirts all the way to t-shirts and tanks. For those whose proclivities skew towards the “less is more” philosophy when it comes to clothing (no judgments here), Rival can also accommodate you with some custom printed socks to provide cover for your feet.
Mars: Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun and next in line after Earth, has so far only played host to NASA robots and space probes. That being the case, if life is ever discovered on the red planet we here at Rival are more than ready to satisfy all of its customized apparel needs. Considering Mars's red soil, perhaps something along the lines of “We're Not in Oklahoma Anymore.”, or “Don't Tread on Red”, the latter being a good fit if residents of this planet are none too keen on mixing with the other forms of life in the galaxy.
Jupiter: Jupiter, in addition to being the fifth planet from the Sun, has the distinction of being both the largest planet in the galaxy and the one with the most moons orbiting it (at least 66, with more being discovered all the time). Temperatures start to get a bit chilly from here on outward, as Jupiter's average temperature is around -163 degrees Fahrenheit. One would be foolish not to wear a hoodie AND heavy coat given this temperature, perhaps with a graphic reading “Bigger Is Better”. If words aren't your thing, a design depicting Jupiter filled with tiny Earths would also be appropriate (it would take over 1,300 Earths to fill Jupiter).
Saturn: Saturn, the sixth planet, is second to Jupiter in terms of size, but is distinguished by its many beautiful rings. These rings are made up of ice, water, and assorted rock material that orbit the planet. Galileo was the first person on Earth to ever see Saturn's rings with his telescope, making his portrait the perfect graphic to place on a custom printed item of clothing (I will admit this is a slightly Earth-centric idea, no offense to residents of other planets who may have seen Saturn's rings first. We certainly wouldn't be opposed to placing the likeness of whichever of your citizens was truly the first to make this discovery). For you Beyonce fans out there, “If you liked it then you shoulda' put a ring on it” seems like an obvious pairing with this planet.
Uranus: All of you jokesters out there are probably quite familiar with this planet's name, and as such, designs on your Uranus apparel will probably veer more towards the obscene and comedic variety. Not that we are opposed to such things, but I'm sure an actual resident of Uranus would be less than thrilled with what the name of their planet brings to mind here on Earth. For Uranus residents looking to give their planet a better name by appealing to the more sophisticated ladies and gentleman among us, might we suggest an image of the Greek god of the sky, Ouranos, from which this planet's name is derived. Uranus is actually the only planet whose name comes from a Greek god instead of a Roman one, a distinction much more desirable than being associated with a certain part of the human anatomy.
Neptune: Neptune is the farthest planet away from the sun, and was also the first to be discovered based on mathematical predictions rather than by empirical observation. As such, your favorite equation from physics or astronomy class seems like the perfect fit for Neptune-themed shirts and other apparel. This planet also has very active weather and gives birth to many storms, one of which had recorded wind speeds of 1,300 mph. Given this information, meteorology buffs could have a field day coming up with designs for custom apparel for Neptunites.
You will notice Pluto is not included on this list. I used to side with those who still liked to afford it planetary status, but am also a big fan of astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson (who was one of the first notable space enthusiasts to not recognize Pluto as a planet) and am in no position to disagree with a person whose intelligence I admire so greatly. If you should like to launch your own campaign to help Pluto regain the status it once held as the ninth planet in our solar system, Rival would be more than happy to help with custom t-shirts to raise awareness of your cause.
Throughout its history, television has provided us with several iconic characters that are nearly inseparable from the culture at large. Everybody has their own favorites, but there's no denying that certain TV personalities have become cemented into the very fabric of the medium (for better and most certainly for worse). With that in mind, here a few iconic characters, as well as a few t-shirt ideas you can use should you find yourself wanting to proclaim your love (or abhorrence) of them to the world.
1. George Costanza: One could argue that any of the main characters from Seinfeld could be included in this list, but I've chosen Mr. Constanza because 1. He was based on Larry David (who I love), and 2. so many characters since this program went off the air are derivative of the “George” archetype. Constantly unemployed except when he stumbles into a position due to sheer dumb luck, terrible with women, pessimistic, and a near pathological liar, you can find a George in almost every comedy since the mid 90s. Quotes would be a popular accompaniment to a photo of the man, as the mine for memorable sayings in the Seinfeld universe almost never runs dry. One of George's many aliases would be a great fit as well (Art Vandelay, anybody?).
2. Arnold Jackson: Those of you born within the last 30 years probably became aware of the phrase “What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?” long before you were aware of the existence of the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes, and thus have been dissuaded from ever watching it due to the annoyance factor of said phrase. Personally, this show was one of my favorites during childhood summers when mornings were nothing but an all-out TV fest, and I still find myself humming along with the theme song from time to time. Arnold's catchphrase seems an obvious choice for shirt placement, but a simple image of the little guy or a family portrait with all the Drummonds would look great as well.
3. Sam Malone: Cheers is another ensemble sitcom in which several of the cast members could be placed on a shirt without any confusion as to what show you were referencing, but I prefer Sam Malone based solely on my love of Ted Danson. Cheers is far from my favorite show he's worked on (that would be Bored To Death), but this fellow's iconic mug (no pun intended) combined with the pedigree of the sitcom and instantly recognizable logo would be perfect for a Cheers-themed tee. Former Red Sox catcher-turned-bartender not enough to stand alone on your custom tee? We'd be happy to pop the whole gang onto some apparel for you.
4. David Brent: All snobbery about British television aside, the original (U.K.) Office may just be the best show to ever grace a television screen, and David Brent is THE model for inept management in every program since this show's inception (whether other showrunners will admit it or not). If you're looking to show your affection for the Brentmeister General via screen printed gear your options for both facial expressions and/or quotes are nearly endless, though you may want to be careful where you don it depending on what you choose.