
Ikea is Coming to Kansas City!

Dec 07 2016

You’ve probably already heard the news, but I still have to share my excitement. Kansas City is getting an Ikea store!!! If this doesn’t make you want to squeal, then you’ve obviously never witnessed the glory of the Swedish home furnishings mega-plex. I could spend days in the place, getting lost in the sea of sleek-and-modern-yet-affordable furniture, pillows, comforters, accessories, and of course- kitchen gadgets. It really is a sight to behold.

You want to know what the best part of it is? It is slated to open THIS FALL. Yeah, this fall: 2014. That’s in, like, FOUR MONTHS. You can’t tell me you aren’t about to pee yourself with glee! Four of the coolest and most loved items in my house are from Ikea. And now, I don’t have to go all the way to Chicago to get more.

I used to live in Chicago, and generally, driving out to the suburbs was a superb pain in the arse- unless I was headed toward Ikea. It’s like a domestic amusement park. The thrill and allure of getting to be there was so strong, it made the hours of traffic and road rage melt away into oblivion. In a few short months, I only have to drive to Merriam to get there. Oh. My. GAWD.

The opening of this store has created over 300 jobs for the metro, which is another plus, but that is still not what’s important right now. The important thing is: Ikea. Here. Soon. YESSSSSSSSSSS. The only thing better is a custom-made tee from Rival Screen Printing. Let’s make one to celebrate!

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