
Unconventional Uses For A T-Shirt

Dec 07 2016

Think a shirt's uses end with putting it on or using an old one as a rag? Think again! Below are some unconventional ways to extend the life and usefulness of your t-shirts.

  • Christmas coming up but you've lost all your ornaments in a move? No problem! Grab yourself a couple XL's and drape them over the family tree.
  • Use as a towel if you've fallen behind on the laundry (tip: it's best to use a clean shirt if it comes down to this).
  • Place over windows to block out the sun. You'll be sleeping sound beneath a veil of 100% cotton.
  • Short on cash but heading somewhere the requires a gift? How about getting something small and wrapping it in a gently used t-shirt? Two gifts in one!
  • Capture the flag? How about flying an old tee up the pole for a twist on an old classic.
  • Baseball cap not cutting it in terms of blocking your face from harmful UV rays? Simply dunk a shirt in some water, wring out, place directly onto your head, cover with your ballcap and keep the summer good times rolling.
  • Use as material to get your campfire started if no newspaper or other flammable detritus is available.
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