
Worlds Biggest T-Shirt & The Largest T-Shirt Cannon

Dec 07 2016

b2ap3_thumbnail_worlds-bigest-t-shirt.jpgHere at Rival we screen print a wide range of t-shirt sizes, from XS all the way to XXL, but even we would have trouble getting a design onto this. Behold, the world's largest t-shirt, unveiled at the 40th annual CMA Music Festival in Nashville, Tennessee. This shirt was later recycled to make 12,000 new shirts which were donated to Nashville school music programs.

Looks like this shirt is far too large to be fired out of the world's largest t-shirt cannon, pictured below.

“Big Bella”, the name given to this monstrosity, was unveiled by the Philadelphia 76ers in 2012. It weighs 600 pounds and can fire an astounding 100 shirts per minute.  


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