
Remember T-Shirts From Movies

Dec 07 2016

Aside from your period pieces and standard costume dramas, wardrobe is an oft overlooked aspect of many films. With a few exceptions, everybody has to wear clothes, right? We here at Rival Screen Printing, in addition to being fans of high quality t-shirts, also like to identify ourselves as film buffs. That said, we thought we would bring you a (admittedly less than all inclusive and in no particular order) list of five of the most recognizable t-shirts in film.

5. Napoleon Dynamite's “Vote for Pedro”


If you're like me, if you never heard another person quote this movie again it might be too soon. Regardless, there's no denying that if you had to remember one thing about this movie (other than the aforementioned, over-quoted dialogue), it's probably this shirt.

4. Stile's “What are you looking at, Dicknose?”


If you haven't seen Teen Wolf, there's a pretty good chance that your childhood did not reach it's optimal levels of merriment. Not only does it star America's most beloved 80's sensation Michael J. Fox, but it gave us Stiles and his oh so classic shirt selection (the most iconic of which is displayed above). For those unfortunate souls who haven't seen this film, you may also recognize it as worn by Mac in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And if you haven't seen It's Always Sunny, I'm afraid I just can't help you. (Side Note: Just in case nobody has warned you yet, DO NOT watch Teen Wolf Too. Sure it stars a teenage Jason Bateman, but other than that it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.)

3.Wayne Campbell, the classic black t-shirt.


Ah, Wayne's World. Not only is this movie one of the cornerstones of my youth, but it is indisputably the single greatest Saturday Night Live movie spinoff of all time. We all know with Wayne as always is Garth, but Wayne certainly could not be truly himself without his standard black tee. A timeless classic, whether you're cruising in the Mirthmobile or preventing the love of your life from marrying Christopher Walken.

2. John Belushi's “College” from Animal House.


Yeah yeah, it's technically a sweater. Sleeves or not though, this shirt is certainly as iconic as they come, and you'd have a difficult time on any college campus finding yourself more than an empty bottle of Jack's throw away from somebody wearing this tee. Besides, when it comes down to making mischief or getting down to business, you know the sleeves on this baby are coming up. As the old (or maybe newly minted as of this writing) saying goes, “What is a sweater, really, but an overgrown t-shirt?”

1. “Don't Hassle Me I'm Local”


What About Bob is far from the most memorable Bill Murray role (and really isn't that great of a movie at all, if you ask me), but since I've been looking for an excuse to pop the man onto this list, here you go. Despite its obvious grammatical flaws, this shirt is a perfect way to let people know who's in charge and that they had better not mess with your way of life (particularly if said way involves proper comma placement). If you should happen upon a person wearing this t-shirt, please direct them to Richard Dreyfus's house immediately.

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